Apple has reportedly been granted multiple patents including one which could be a major update for the Apple Watch. Spotted by Patently Apple, the patent 12133743 showed that future Apple Watch devices could have sensors embedded into their straps.
Titled, “Fabric-based items with stretchable bands,” speaks about a sensor embedded into a stretchable fabric band that can measure blood pressure, respiration rates and electrocardiogram measurements among other things.
The sensors could also be used to “communicate wirelessly with external electronic equipment” which indicates that they could be paired with another Apple device like an iPhone or a MacBook. The patent also mentions that the strap could be used to charge the device.
The outlet also noted that Apple is working with designer Daniel Podhajny who previously was with Nike, to develop the stretchy fabric for the strap.
There’s no news from Apple on the upgrade as the patents have just been granted and it could take a while until the sensors actually materialise.
Besides this, the hardware giant was also granted another patent around a Touch ID button for the iPad variants.
Published - November 08, 2024 12:05 pm IST
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