Microsoft Teams unveiled multiple updates including threaded conversations on its chats, combine separate chats and channels into a single view. While the threads update will be rolled out by mid-2025, the unified chats and channels experience will be in public preview in November.
This means that users will not have to switch between different sections to read messages from groups of people or channels. Now, they will be able to enable custom sections so group conversations can happen together.
The app has also added other changes in the interface so users can organise their chats better. A new favourites section has been included so pinned chats and channels show up. Users will have access to controls to choose to see message previews if they want, view all their channels in a single list and time stamps.
There’s a new @mentions view to point out chats where the user has been tagged both in direct messages and channels.
The new changes will be available on both the desktop and mobile apps in public preview next month with updates for iOS and Android versions of Teams still in the works.
Meanwhile, the threaded conversations update is being currently tested and will be widely rolled out between next year.
Published - October 29, 2024 11:28 am IST
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